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1302 4th Ave #F, ProFish-n-Sea Alaska Halibut Fishing 1302 4th Ave #F,, Seward, AK 99664

Products & Services

,Alaska Salmon Fishing - ProFish-n-Sea Alaska Halibut Fishing

  • Alaska Fishing Charters

    Alaska Fishing Charters your alaska fishing adventure starts with us! A special breed of angler flocks to this nook of the world where Alaska fishing lore was born. In Seward, legendary tales boast of salmon runs so thick you can nearly walk across their backs, halibut so huge they're called "barn-doors," and rockfish so plentiful that fishing for them could just be called "catching." For over 20 years, Captain Steve Zernia and the friendly professional team at ProFish-n-Sea Charters have fished these serene and productive waters bringing these grand tales to life for lucky guests.

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